Thursday, March 10, 2011

Central Assessment Programme Scheme

(Under Ordinance - 10)
Central Assessment Programme Scheme
w. e. f. the Examinations to be held in Second Half of the Year 2009
Examinations : All Examinations (except Examinations in the Faculty of Engineering)
Preliminary :
The conduct of examinations and declaration of results is one of the important activities of the
University. The Scheme of Central Assessment Programme has been introduced by the University
in the year 1980 with a view to (1) declaring the results in the shortest possible time, (2) increasing
the reliability of the results, (3) maintaining uniformity and consistency in the assessment,
(4) increasing accuracy and efficiency in the declaration of results, and (5) creating confidence
amongst the students about the assessment system.
The Central Assessment Programme shall consist of the following stages :
(i) Pre-Assessment Work
(ii) Actual Assessment Work
(iii) Post-Assessment Work
(I)  Pre-Assessment Work :
(1) To fix the venue of the Central Assessment Programme :
The venue of the CAP shall be decided by the University. It shall be on the University campus/
in Affiliated College/Recognized Institute/any other place.
(2) Appointment of CAP Director :
The Director for the Central Assessment Programme shall be appointed by the University from
amongst the following :
(i) Principal of the concerned Affiliated College or his nominee from amongst the senior
faculty members.
(ii) Head of the Recognized Institution concerned or his nominee from amongst the senior
faculty members.
(iii) Head of the University Department concerned or his nominee not below the rank of
(iv) Any other senior person with the suitable academic and administrative experience.
(v) Head of the Administrative Section not below the rank of Deputy Registrar (Examinations).
The Director shall communicate his acceptance alongwith the undertaking in the prescribed
form. The CAP Director should not take any other assignment without prior permission of the
(3) The Controller of Examinations shall inform all the examination centres well in advance the
place of CAP and name of the Director CAP in order to send answerbooks to such place
by all the examination centres.2
(4) Invitation to Examiners :
The University shall provide a list indicating number of students appearing for each subject
and other relevant information to the Director. He shall consult the Dean of the faculty who
shall ascertain the number of examiners required per subject. The Director shall make arrangements
regarding the space and staff required for CAP.
The University office initially shall send the appointment letters to all the examiners shown in
the list finalized by the University well in advance so as to enable the examiners to communicate
their acceptance.
The Director of CAP shall send the invitation letters to the examiners as per the list provided
by the University. In case of any difficulty in doing so, the CAP Director shall consult the Controller
of Examinations and take decision. All the instructions regarding the CAP shall also be sent
to the examiners and that shall be exhibited at CAP hall for the perusal of examiners. In case
of shortage of examiners, the substitute appointments of examiners shall be made from the panel
prepared by 32 (5) (a) committee/Board of Studies, by the Dean of the concerned faculty.
(5) The Director shall intimate to the Dean concerned and the faculty member if required, the Date
of commencement of CAP. The Dean  of faculty in his  capacity as an Academic Officer of
the University under the Maharashtra Universities Act 1994, will make it convenient to remain
present on the first day of the commencement of CAP to guide the examiners.
The Dean as a Head of the Faculty shall visit the CAP to guide the CAP Director, Examiners
and Moderators. The Director, CAP shall pay to the Dean T.A./D.A./L.C.A. as per rules of
the University. In case of the Dean concerned is not available for guidance to the examiners
at the CAP, the Director CAP may invite any senior faculty member preferably the  Ex-Dean
of the faculty to guide the examiners.
(6) Collection of Answerbooks :
It is the responsibility of the Principal of the College/Director of the Recognized Institute to
see that the answerbooks of the examinations held at his center are sent promptly as per
instructions given by the University from time to time to the CAP centre
(7)  Preparation for CAP :
(i) The Director of CAP shall make adequate arrangements to receive answer books coming
from the examination centres from time to time to the CAP centre.
(ii) On receipt of the answerbooks at the CAP venue, the staff employed for this work  shall
check the answerbooks, Junior Supervisor’s Reports  and  ascertain  as to whether  the
number of candidates present and absent indicated in the report are correct.  In case
of any discrepancy it shall be resolved in consultation with the Deputy Registrar
(Examinations), who shall be the Co-ordinator for CAP.
(iii) It shall be ensured that only white thread (not any other thing including stapler pins etc.)
is used for attaching the supplements to the main answerbooks, at all examination centre.
No marks of identification on the answerbooks are permitted.
(iv) The bundle of answerbooks so prepared shall be coded and the coded sheets shall be
inserted in the bundles of answerbooks. It shall also be ascertained that there is no any
marks of identification on the bundle of papers or on the individual answerbook. The
Junior Supervisor’s Report shall be taken away and kept in a separate file. Papers or
bundles tied or presented in a doubtful manner be separated.3
(v) It shall be seen and verified that all the answerbooks of the subjects, are received from
the centres of examinations. This shall be checked with the subjectwise and centrewise
summaries of the examinations concerned. In case of non-receipt of answerbooks from
any examination centre, the CAP Director shall take immediate steps for receiving the
said answerbooks from the concerned examination centre under intimation to the
Co-ordinator/ Asstt. Co-ordinator of the CAP.
(vi) The process of masking the seat numbers shall then be undertaken. The first cover page
of the answerbooks is designed for easy masking. It shall be ensured that the masking
is done properly and an identity of the candidate is not disclosed to the examiner in any
way. The top portion of the answerbooks would be folded twice and then paper tape
would be applied at two places to mask the seat number. It shall also be seen that no
unmasked answerbook is given to the examiner for assessment. Each bundle of answerbook
shall contain 30 to 40 answerbooks.
(vii) The answerbooks shall be arranged subjectwise/paperwise as this will be convenient at
the time of distribution of answerbooks to the examiners for assessment.
(viii) In case of any event of missing answerbooks or any unpleasant experience the CAP
Director shall consult the Controller of Examinations and take further action accordingly.
(II)  Actual Assessment Work :
(i) On the First day of commencement of the CAP, the examiners shall be given information
regarding the programme, seating arrangement, payment of TA./D.A. and remuneration bills
etc. On the first day of CAP maximum 30 papers should be given to each examiner for
(ii) On the first day of CAP the Chairman of the Board of Paper-setters, Examiners and Moderators
or in his absence the senior paper-setter of the concerned subject nominated by the CAP
Director shall convene the meeting of all the examiners and moderators to discuss the question
paper/s, scheme of marking and synoptic/model answers as well as discrepancies if any in a
paper so as to attain the uniformity/standard and consistency in assessment. He/She shall watch
the day to day progress of assessment and assist the Director in the smooth conduct of CAP.
If necessary, he/she shall apply sample checking of  answerbooks.  The Chairman of the Board
of Paper-setters or in his absence the senior paper-setter of the concerned  subject  nominated
by the Director shall be paid honorarium of Rs. 250/- for discharging additional duties as
mentioned above. The Chairman shall submit to the Director, CAP a consolidated report in
the prescribed format on the performance of the candidates, the assessment work and his
general observations and suggestions etc. on the last day. The report shall then be presented
to the concerned B.O.S. through Dean by the Examination section.
(iii) The examiners will be paid TA/DA/LCA provided he/she assesses minimum 30 answerbooks
(of three hours duration Paper) or 60 sections per day. He/She shall not assess more than
90 answerbooks or 180 sections per day. The examiner concerned shall not be issued the
second bundle of 30 answerbooks or 60 sections within 3 hours of the issue of first bundle
of 30 answerbooks or 60 sections. The Third bundle of 30 anserbooks or 60 sections shall
be issued to the examiner only after the second bundle is received from the examiner concerned.
On every day all examiners should be provided with only one bundle of 30 papers or 60
sections at a time, for three hours. No additional answerbooks should be given to him for4
assessment unless the first bundle is submitted by the examiner concerned, second bundle
should not be given to him for assessment. In any case the total number of answerbooks to
be assessed in a day should not exceed 90 or 180 sections except in the special circumstances
to be recorded in writing by the CAP Director and to be submitted to the University. The
time of issue and receipt of bundle should be recorded on every bundle of answerbooks The
same practice should be followed for third bundle also. If a student scores less than 5% marks,
in spite of his writing substantially the examiner shall record on the front page of the answerbook,
the reasons for awarding those marks. The examiners shall assign marks to the answers in
the margin at the left side of the answerbook  for each question and not on the written answers.
The maximum limit of 180 anwserbooks per day is also applicable in case of the subjects/
papers having 50 or less than 50 marks.
(iv) While issuing the answerbooks to examiners for assessment, the assistant at issue counter
should invariably obtain the signature of the concerned examiner for having received the
answerbooks for assessment. It is the responsibility of assistant at the issuing  counter  to follow
the ceiling of answerbooks.
(v) While returning the answerbooks at the counter, the assistant at the issuing counter shall ensure
that entry is made of having received back the answerbooks in the Register against the name
of the examiner. The examiner shall, take another bundle of answerbooks for assessment only
after returning the first bundle. This process shall be continued till the assessment of all the
answerbooks in the concerned subject is over. The assistant receiving the answerbooks at the
counter shall see that the examiners have assessed all the answerbooks given to them for
(vi) It shall be ensured that the marks given by the Moderator to each question are written on
the front page, just below the question wise marks given by the examiner. In such cases marks
awarded by the moderator shall be taken as final.
(vii) In  case some of the answerbooks in a bundle remained unassessed by the examiner
concerned for various reasons, the CAP Director sha1l get such answerbooks assessed from
another examiner  in  the  list  of  the  said  subject  giving  factual information and reasons
of  his satisfaction to the University’ authorities. It shall be seen carefully that the  answerbooks
are received at the counter are well assessed.
(viii) The issue register as mentioned in (iv) & (v), and final list of examiners who have actually
done  the assessment work should invariably be sent by  the Director, CAP to the University
within seven days from the completion of CAP.
(ix) The examiner should write his/her name on the front page of the answerbook below his
signature so as to ascertain identity of examiner as and when required.
(x) The examiners shall see that after taking a bundle of answerbooks for assessment from the
issuing counter, they perform the assessment work only on seats allotted to them. The  assessed
answerbooks are to be returned at the concerned counter.
(xi) Every examiner shall be required to sign the Attendance Register each day. He / She will
produce the identity card issued by the Director of CAP, while entering the CAP centre.
(xii) In case the examiner detects use of unfairmeans, while assessing the answerbooks he /she
should report and submit  the concerned answerbooks to the Director which the Director shall
forward to the University.5
(xiii) While assessment is in progress, the work of  marking the absentee of candidates mentioned
in the Junior Supervisor’s Reports on the computerized  mark-lists will be done simultaneously.
While recording such absentee change of centre of the candidates may also be taken care of.
(xiv) The CAP Director shall invariably issue the attendance certificate to the examiners attending
the CAP for producing the same in their respective colleges after return.
(xv) The CAP Director shall not avail the leave facility during the CAP period unless there are
exceptional reason. In such circumstances the Controller of Examinations will be  kept  informed
by the CAP Director .
(III) Post-Assessment Work :
(i) The work of un-masking of assessed answerbooks shall be done while making entries of  the
marks from the answerbooks to mark-list. It shall also be seen that all answers in the
answerbooks are assessed by the examiners and no answer is left unassessed.
(ii) The activities of preparation of mark-lists would be as follows:
(a) Recording absentee from the Junior Supervisor’s Report.
(b) Checking of absentees by a different pair of assistants.
(c) Recording marks on computerized mark-lists from the assessed answerbooks.
(d) Total to be taken on each page on the mark-lists.
(e) Checking of mark-lists by different pair of assistants.
(f) Checking of the total to be done by another assistant.
(iii) The assessed answerbook shall then be rearranged by inserting Junior Supervisor’s Report
in the relevant bundle of answerbooks and stack them subjectwise. As soon  as the Assessment
of a particular subject is completed the mark-list of that  subject  with corresponding  answerbooks
and Junior Supervisor’s Report may then be sent to the University for processing the result.
(iv) If any supplement found detached from the main answerbook, CAP Director shall take efforts
to relocate its main answerbook and he shall carefully attach the supplement to the main
answerbook. It shall be then ascertained whether all marks are given to the answerbook as
well as to supplement and they are taken down properly in the marklist.
(v) In case of any police case regarding unfairmeans, CAP Director is not supposed to hand  over
answerbooks or any examination material to the Police or any outside agency without prior
permission of the Controller of Examinations.
(vi) The final list of examiners who have attended the CAP should be sent to the University
immediately after the CAP work is over. A separate list of examiners who have not attended
the assessment work should also be sent to the university at the same time.6
Grant for CAP Centre :
(a) Director, CAP will be paid grant for execution of CAP as mentioned below :
Total No. of Candidates                        Rate
1 to 3000 Rs. 35/- per candidate regd.(for all the candidates)
1 to 5000 Rs. 30/- per candidate regd.(for all the candidates)
1 to 10000 Rs. 22/- per candidate regd.(for all the candidates)
1 to 10001 and above Rs. 20/- per candidate regd.(for all the candidates)
The Director shall incur expenditure from this grant on the following only :
1. Payment of remuneration to the staff appointed for CAP.
2. Remuneration of Co-ordinator and Asstt. Co-ordinators.
   *“The expenditure for the CAP centre shall be incurred from grant sanctioned for actual
No. of days for which CAP conducted”.
(b) Norms for appointment of staff for CAP :
The Director of the CAP will ordinarily appoint the required staff of his confidence as per norms
mentioned below :
(i) One officer, Four Clerks and Four Peons per 5000 students.
(ii) One Accountant-cum-Cashier.
(iii) The Director, CAP shall appoint adequate number of Assistant Directors i.e. minimum one and
maximum three depending upon the workload.
(iv) The staff for masking and un-masking work shall be appointed as per the requirement.
(v) Each CAP centre shall employ adequate watchman during this period.
(c) Co-ordinator/Assistant Co-ordinator :
The COE  shall  appoint the Co-ordinator  not  below  the rank of Assistant Registrar (Examinations)
and two Asstt. Co-ordinators not below the rank of Asstt. Section Officer from Examination Section
for maintaining the liaison between the University and CAP Centre. The Co-ordinator/ Assitt.
Co-ordinator shall visit the CAP centre frequently and shall take periodical review of the total work
of the CAP centre and report to the Controller of Examinations.
*Note  : Provision amended vide M.C.R. No. M:59/150210 dated 15.02.2010 w.e.f. October/
November 2009 examination.7
(d) Rates of Remuneration for CAP Staff :
(i) Administrative staff appointed for CAP shall be paid minimum at the following rates.
1. Director Rs.375/- per day
2. Assistant Director Rs.300/- per day
3. Officer Rs.190/- per day
4. Cashier Rs.150 /- per day
5. Clerk Rs.150/- per day
6. Peon/Watchman Rs.110/- per day
1. Co-ordinator Rs.2,000/- (Lump sum)
2. Asstt. Co-ordinator Rs.1,200/- (Lump sum)
The payment to Co-ordinator and Asstt. Co-ordinators shall be made by the CAP Director
from the grant sanctioned for CAP.
(e) Service charges for masking and un-masking :
(i) Masking Rs.0.50 per answbook including supplements.
(ii) Un-masking Rs.0.40 per answerbook including supplements.
(f) Incidental expenses :
(i) Grant for incidental expenses for stationery, printing, hospitality is allowed as under:
(a) Upto 50 examiners invited Rs.  6,000/-
(b) 51-100 examiners invited Rs. 8,000/-
(c) 101-200 examiners invited Rs. 10,000/-
(d) 201 and above examiners invited Rs. 12,000/-
(ii) The actual expenditure is allowed on the following items:
(1) Postage and Telegraphs.
(2) Xeroxing of model answers, scheme of marking, question papers, moderations.
(3) Telephone calls.
(4) Transportation of answer books.
(5) Bank Charges
The expenditure incurred on (e) and (f) shall be met out from the advances placed at the
disposal of the Director of C.A.P.8
(g) TA/DA and remuneration to examiners :
The payment of Local Conveyance Allowance, Traveling Allowance, Daily Allowance and Remuneration
shall be made to the examiners appointed for assessment of answerbooks and TA/DA/LCA as the
case may be to the Dean of the Faculty concerned from the advance placed at the disposal  of
the Director according to the rules prescribed by the University.
(h) The CAP Director shall not incur any other/additional expenditure except with the prior permission/
approval from the Hon. Vice-Chancellor through Controller of Examinations.
Account of CAP :
Receipt and Payment Account of the Central Assessment Programme shall be got audited from the
Chartered Accountant and submitted to the University office within one month from the date of
conclusion of CAP. The audit fee including service tax to the Auditor shall be paid as under :
Expenditure upto Rs.1,00,000 /-     Rs.3,000/- Max.
Expenditure above Rs.1,00,000/-      Rs.5,000/- Max.
No vouchers of the expenditure incurred  from out of the CAP grant sanctioned to  the CAP Director
are required to be submitted alongwith the audited statement of account. However, in respect of
the other expenditure incurred all the vouchers shall necessarily be submitted alongwith the audited
statement of account.
Moderation :
The moderation work shall be carried out as per the procedure/norms laid down in the scheme
of moderation.
Incentive :
(1) An amount as an incentive shall be paid to the centre of Central Assessment Programme as per
the following rates :
No. of candidates Amount
i) Upto 3000 candidates Rs.3,000/-
ii) 3001 to  5000 candidates Rs.6,000/-
iii) 5001 to 10000 candidates Rs.10,000/-
iv) 10001 and above candidates Rs.12,000/-
The payment for the above purpose shall be made from the advance placed at the disposal of the
Director, CAP and he shall make necessary payment to the college/management concerned accordingly.
(j) Computer Services :
The C.A.P. Centre will be provided with computer software services keeping in view the number
of students and the answer books to be assessed. All the marks on the answerbooks shall be shifted
on to computers and the mark-list shall be submitted to the University within the prescribed date
in the forms of CD-R in two copies one for COE and other for incharge, M.I.C. as well as two
printouts duly signed by the Director, C.A.P. All necessary arrangements for doing this work shall
be made by the Director C.A.P.
The details are as follows :
a) Computers and Equipments :
The Director, CAP shall make available computers at the CAP centre as per the following norms :
No. of  Computers Particulars
i) 04 Upto 30,000 records
ii) 06 Upto 1,00,000 records
iii) 08 Upto 1,50,000 records
iv) 10 More than 1,50,000 records9
v) One 132 column speedy dot-matrix printer, and
vi) One UPS of the capacity of 500 VA for every computer.
b) Configuration
All the computers for CAP shall be of same configuration.
i) Pentium Computer with a capacity of 800 MHZ and/or more speed.
ii) 10 GB hard disc with floppy drive and CD ROM of 1.44 point.
c) Service Charges
It shall be the responsibility of the Director of C.A.P. to appoint a person to carry out, supervise
and control the work of computerization such as work of Data Entry operation, checking of
difference reports, maintaining co-ordination and liaison with the Systems  Analyst of MIC, University
of Pune. The person so-appointed shall be responsible for making necessary arrangements for
computer services at the CAP centre, data-entry, timely completion of checking and all-other related
The rates of Remuneration shall be as follows :
(1) For CAP Centre Staff
i) One Supervisor - Rs.2,300/- (lumpsum)
ii) Data Entry Operator - Rs.1.50 for ten records
iii) One dictator - Rs.1.50 for ten records
Note : This will  be a  double  data  entry  system, i.e. two groups shall enter the same data independently
which shall be compared and validated on the third P.C. Simultaneously discrepancies, if found,
shall be removed by referring to the entries on the answers book/s or Junior Supervisor’s
report/s. The data entry operators shall enter the marks/absentees, as the case may be, directly
from the answer books and Junior Supervisor’s reports.
(2) University Staff
The Systems Analyst will be responsible for overall supervision and control over the work of
Computerization at C.A.P. Centre. He shall visit and advise the computer personnel at the C.A.P.
centre. He shall take periodic review of the work and report to the Director the discrepancies/
short comings for compliance. The Programmer/Assistant Programmer will work under the guidance
of Systems Analyst .
1) Systems Analyst per CAP Rs.1,200/- (lump sum)
2) Programmer/Assistant Programmer per CAP Rs. 600/- (lump sum)
The payment to the staff mentioned at (c) (1) & (2) above shall be made by the CAP Director
from the grant sanctioned for CAP.
1) Software and required ‘Data files’ will be provided/installed by the University.
2) Physical security of computers/other equipment shall be the responsibility of the Director, CAP.
3) The ‘University Staff duly appointed for CAP shall be allowed to check and supervise the security
measures, the operating systems, passwords, etc. of the computers.10
List of Activities relating Central Assessment Programme
(I) Pre-CAP Activities :
1. To prepare a budget for CAP.
2. To estimate number of non-teaching staff required for CAP to carry out different activities of
the CAP such as masking, un-masking, coding, de-coding, preparation of mark-lists and issues
of answerbooks to the examiners etc.
3. To receive and acknowledge the receipt of the answerbooks from the centre of examination.
4. To verify number of answerbooks as per the Junior Supervisor’s Reports and to note down
anomalies if any and to take appropriate measures.
5. To code the bundles of answerbooks.
6. To insert coded sheet in place of Junior Supervisor’s Report in the bundle of anserbooks.
7. To distribute answerbooks for masking.
8. To rebundle the masked answerbooks with coded sheet.
9. To count the bundles of answerbooks subjectwise.
10. To arrange masked answerbooks examinationwise, subjectwise and to keep them ready for
11. To allocate appropriate space for assessment work examinationwise and subjectwise.
12. To prepare the instructions to be given to the examiners regarding seating arrangement for
assessment  programme, TA/DA bills, remuneration etc.
(II)  Actual Assessment :
1. On the first day of assessment, the Chairman of the Board of paper-setters, examiners and
moderators shall discuss the question papers in the subject concerned and prepare scheme
of marking, if not already done.
2. To make all the arrangements for distribution of answerbooks to the examiners on the Counter
for assessment. The assessed answerbooks are to be received at the same counter.
3. The examiners will collect the answerbooks from the Counter for assessment.
4. To ensure that all the answerbooks to be given to the examiners are properly masked.
5. The Chairman of the Boards of Paper-setters will ensure that assessment work is done
6. The examiner after completion of his/her assessment should return to the assistant at the
Counter, the Bundles of answerbooks and ensure that an appropriate entry is made in the
7. The examiner should take another bundle of answerbooks for assessment only, after assessing
the first bundle. This process will continue till all the answerbooks in the relevant subject are
8. The examiner on the day of attendance should sign the attendance register everyday. The
identity card will be issued to each examiner and also to the Non-teaching staff connected
with the CAP.
9. On the first day of assessment programme the examiner should fill up the TA/DA bill and submit
it to concerned Officer of the CAP.
10. The mode of payment of TA/DA and remuneration will be made known on the first day of
the CAP.11
11. In the course of assessment, officer-in-charge of preparation of mark-lists will ensure that the
absentees are recorded on the computerized mark-lists, from the Junior Supervisor’s Report.
12. while recording the absentee of the candidates, the cases of change of centre of the candidates
should also be taken into account.
13. In case examiner detect use of unfairmeans while assessing the answerbooks he/she should
report and submit the concerned answerbooks to the Director which the Director shall forward
to the University.
14. In case of the shortage of examiners at CAP Centre, the CAP Director shall report the number
of examiners required subjectwise to the COE who will make substitute appointments in
consultation with the Dean of the Faculty.
15. In case of additional examiners are required to be appointed within the scheduled time, the
Director, CAP, should make arrangements for additional examiners in a subject/s as the case
may be by following the procedure mentioned in 14 above.
(III) Post-CAP Activities :
1. The work of de-masking will commence as and when the answerbooks in relevant subjects
are assessed.
2. After completion of assessment of answerbooks, in a particular subject the work of preparation
of mark-lists of that subject will start.
3. The process of checking of mark-lists from the answerbooks with different pairs will then start.
4. Once it is ensured that all the marks in a particular subject/s are entered in the computerized
list, the process of rechecking should start. After completion of this process, the work of taking
totals of each page of mark-list will start.
5. As and when the subjectwise mark-lists of all the centres of examinations are completed ,
the mark- lists will be submitted to the Co-ordinator of the CAP concerned.
6. After submission of mark-lists, the answerbooks in that subjects should be arranged according
to the Junior Supervisor’s Report subjectwise, centrewise and should be handed over to the
Godown section of the University.
7. The issue register and the final list of examiners who have actually assessed the answerbooks
should be sent to the University within 8 days of the completion of CAP work.
8. The statement of income and expenditure should be prepared and got audited from the
Chartered  Accountant and submitted to the University.
Ref.No. XC/1549 Dr. S. M. Ahire
Date : 12.11.2009 In-Charge Controller of Examinations
Ref : BOER 8/2009 (6.10.2009) & MCR  _: 314  (6.11.2009)12
Examination  : April /November_______
CAP Centre :
Name of the CAP Director :
Subject :
Period of CAP (from-to) :
Telephone No. of CAP Director : (O)                                                                   ( R )
Sr. Receipt Amount Sr. Payment Amount
No. Rs. No. Rs.
1 Advance received 1 * Remuneration to Examiners (As per annexure "2")
Cheque No. and Date
2 * T.A. D.A. to Examiners (As per annexure "2")
3 * Chairman's Allowance (As per annexure "2")
4 * Moderation Charges (As per annexure "2")
5 * Local Conveyance to Examiners (As per annexure "2")
6 T.A. D.A to Dean for Visit
7 * Administrative Expenditure (As per the CAP Rules)
(As per annexure "3")
8 * Incidential Expenses (As per annexure "4")
9 Audit Fees
10 Incentive to College
Total Advance 0 Total Expenditure 0
Amount receivable Unspent Balance to be sent to University
from the University (Cheque / D.D. No.                                     )
(Date :                               )
Total Rs. 0 Total Rs. 0
Total No. of Papers/Sections:
No. of Examiners Mark list / Result Submission Date
Total No. of appeared students Date of Declaration of the Result
1. This statement is to be submitted to the University within 30 days from the date of conclusion of theCAP.
2. * Please submit separate statements with the necessary details in the formats provided by the University.
3. Please attach photocopy of the appointment letter of the Director & Bank Statement.
Director, C.A.P
Chartered Accountant
Statement of Receipts and Payments A/c in respect of Central Assessment Program
Deputy Registrar Signature & Seal of the
Certified that the  Central Assessment Program (CAP) Advance of Rs.(figure) ___________________
(Rupees in words)___________________________________________________________________)
sanctioned by University of  Pune for the conduct of_______________________________  CAP., April /
October___________  has been utilized  by scrupulously observing all the rules and rates prescribed in the
CAP Rules, Rates of remuneration booklet & T.A/D.A. rules of University of Pune.
Certified that the total expenditure is Rs. __________________________________________
(Rupees____________________________________________) and an amount of Rs.______________
(Rupees ________________________________________________________________________ )
is receivable from / payable to the University of   Pune.
Place :
Date  :
Director CAP                                                             Signature & Seal of the
Chartered Accountants14
Examination  : April /November_______
CAP Centre :
Name of the CAP Director :
Subject :
Period of CAP (from-to) :
Sr. Name of the Examiner PAN Subject Chairman's TA DA Local Total
No. NO. No. of
No. of  Rate Amount
Rate Amount Allow.
Rs. Rs.
Rs. Allow.
Director C.A.P.
University of Pune
  Details of payment made to the Examiners at the CAP Centre
Papers Examined Paper Moderated15
(Annex. "3")
Examination  : April /November__________
CAP Centre :
Name of the CAP Director :
Subject :
Period (from-to) :
Telephone No. of CAP Director : (O) ( R)
Sr. Category Nos. Rate No. of Total Amount
No. Rs. Days Rs.
1 Director 0
2 Asstt. Director 0
3 Officer 0
4 Cashier 0
5 Clerk 0
6 Peon 0
7 Watchmen 0
8 Dean of the Faculty 0
9 Co-Ordinator 0
10 Asstt. Co-Ordinator 0
11 Programmer / Asstt. Programmer 0
12 System Analyst (lumpsum) 0
13 System Analyst (For Engg. Exam.) * 0
14 Officer-in-charge of Compilation andValidation of data files * 0
15 Data Entry Operator * 0
16 Masking (No. of Papers) 0
17 Unmasking (No. of Papers) 0
*This is applicable for Engineering Faculty only.
Director, C.A.P.
Statement showing the Administrative Expenses in respect of CAP
Total Rs.P.U.P.—300–11–2009 (CAP\693) [4]
Examination  : April /November__________
CAP Centre :
Name of the CAP Director :
Subject :
Period (from-to) :
Telephone No. of CAP Director : (O) ( R)
Sr. Category Total Amount
No. Rs.
1 Stationary * 0
2 Printing * 0
3 Hospitality * 0
4 Postage 0
5 Xerox 0
6 Telephone 0
7 Transport 0
8 Bank Charges 0
Note: 1.  Proposal for the expenditure other than the heads mentioned above, should be submitted to Hon'ble
     Vice-Chancellor through C.O.E.
2. * Expenditure under these heads should not exceed the limit laid down in the CAP Rules.
Director, C.A.P.
Statement showing the Incidental Expenses in respect of CAP
Total Rs.INDEX
Central Assessment Programme (CAP)
(For All Examinations : Except Examinations in the Faculty of Engineering)
Page No.
01. Preliminary 1
02. Pre-Assessment Work 1
03. Actual Assessment Work 3
04. Post-Assessment Work 5
05. Grant for CAP Centre 6
06. List of Activities Relating C.A.P. 10
07. Forms for Submission of Accounts of CAP 12UNIVERSITY OF PUNE
(Under Ordinance - 10)
Central Assessment Programme Scheme
(For All Examinations : Except Examinations in the Faculty of Engineering)
University of Pune,
Ganeshkhind, Pune-411007

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